Old Wives Tales About Baby Gender Prediction

Predicting Baby Gender By Heart Rate - Old Wives Tales About Baby Gender Prediction

Good evening. Today, I discovered Predicting Baby Gender By Heart Rate - Old Wives Tales About Baby Gender Prediction. Which is very helpful in my experience therefore you. Old Wives Tales About Baby Gender Prediction

 Old wives tales with regard to pregnancy and determining the gender of the unborn baby have been around for a long time. How long? Well, probably as long as "old wives" (sorry I couldn't resist lol) and babies have been around.

What I said. It shouldn't be the actual final outcome that the actual about Predicting Baby Gender By Heart Rate. You read this article for info on that need to know is Predicting Baby Gender By Heart Rate.

Predicting Baby Gender By Heart Rate

Is there any truth to them? I would be inclined to say yes, some of these old wives tales are probably based on some fact. Should you believe what they tell you about your baby's gender, well I wouldn't put too much weight on your findings using any of these old wives tales. I would just relax and have some fun with them.
Lets take a look at 5 of the most favorite old wives tales:
1. The wedding ring test-This method of determining your unborn baby's gender is easy to do and is very popular. It consists of having the mother-to-be lie on her back while suspending (tie it on a thread or best yet a seacoast of the mothers hair) her wedding ring (or any small metallic object) over her belly, or palm. If the ring starts to move back and forth in a straight line you'll be having a girl, if it moves in a circular motion it'll be a boy.
2.The Drano test-I hesitated to comprise this one, because Drano is a very caustic and perilous chemical, so if you conclude to try this old wives tale you're on your own and cannot hold me responsible in any way! If you want to give it a try anyway here's how you go about it: Save some of your first urine in the morning, and carefully (you could furnish perilous fumes, or other chemical reactions) pour your urine into a glass jar with a small amount of Drano in it. If the Drano-urine mixture changes to a brownish color you'll have a boy, if it doesn't change color at all it'll be a girl baby.
3.How you're carrying your baby-If you're carrying your baby high in your womb you'll have a girl, if the baby is carried lower in your womb you'll be having a boy.
4.The fetal heart-rate-This old wives tale says that if the unborn baby's heart-rate is 140 beats per miniature or above you'll be having a girl baby, but if it's less than 140 bpm you'll have a boy.
5.Cravings-Do you crave sweets, congratulations you'll be having a baby girl. Crave salt and/or sour foods than you'll be having a baby boy!
I wouldn't put much faith in these or any of the other old wives tales out there, but they can be a whole lot of fun, so just relax and enjoy experimenting with them. If you actually want to know your unborn baby's sex get an ultra-sound in you 7th or 8th month. Then you will know with certainty (almost 100%) the sex of your baby. Regardless of whether you have a boy or a girl the most leading thing is that you have a strong, healthy, loved baby!

I hope you get new knowledge about Predicting Baby Gender By Heart Rate. Where you can put to use within your day-to-day life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Predicting Baby Gender By Heart Rate. Read more.. Old Wives Tales About Baby Gender Prediction.

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